Sorry I have been MIA. I've been dealing with so much stressful crud lately I had nothing good to say. Like at all, so I spared you guys my negativity. My husband, however, got the whole lot of it. Though he can't complain too much since it was drama from his life that seeped into our home life against our will! I feel quite proud of myself for keeping said emotions off the blog, though. :)
Happy to now report that though the drama is still going on it's a bit less dramatic and I feel like I can function like a normal human being again. Some new and totally insanely amazing adventures are on the horizon for my husband and I and a few of our friends. I'm pretty excited to see where it all ends up. Italy. So far that's where it's currently located and the husband and I almost had to make an impromptu exploration over to Italy but it was too last minute for us! Which worked out because they changed the dates so we would've ended up having to change flights, EXPENSIVE. It would've been EXPENSIVE. I would get more specific but I'm not exactly sure what I can share at this time. It's gonna be huge and I'll yell it from the rooftops when I've been given the okay. :) No. I am not pregnant.
I haven't stopped to congratulate my bestie on my blog yet! (at least not complete with a picture) She's a little momma bear, now! A very proud mother of little miss Selah Evangeline Reid who was a whole 8 pounds! Chunky little babes. She's perfection and I can't wait to see her when I go home for Christmas. This update is pretty late considering Selah has been in the world for about 2 weeks-ish!
I stole this picture from Danielle's instagram but I think it's my favorite!
I love and miss your face bestie!
It's weird when your best friend has a baby. I've had friends have kids but this time feels almost as special as if it were my own sister. I've known Danielle since I was 17, she was 19 so I'd say we have spent some of the biggest years together like college, college graduations, engagements, weddings and now babies! It's been so awesome "growing up" with her as my best friend. Love ya, lady. Like a sister! I'll join you in parenthood soon-ish. ;) Considering I got married first it's only fair that you are a mom first. ;)
Anyway, it's heating up in my apartment to a point where the working out idea makes me want to hurl. The headache is definitely not helping so I am going to go medicate and see how much I can accomplish around my apartment before the heat makes me drop.
Happy Wednesday, friends.