Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Currently working on....


I tend to get a little bored with my graphics sometimes and I've been meaning to work on a badge, so this morning I'm sitting in hubalubs office and figured now is the perfect time to tinker with this new look. 
I wish I could find a way to offer my graphic artist abilities to the public. I don't do printing- no way. haha Tried and failed. I don't have the patience for printing, but I'd be more than happy to design graphics. We'll see how that goes. ;) I don't know how to get my name out there so until I figure that out I'll keep trucking along with my own store brand.

Jewelry: I don't have the ability to work on anything new at the time. It's all in a bin sitting in the back of my jeep waiting to be taken to its new home. Which hopefully will be very soon because I'm so tired of living out of a suitcase! Ick. Anywho- until later.


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