Today was a day from Hell. I have been floating between downright angry and absolutely sad. I have a trillion reasons that people just can't seem to understand. Just because you move to California doesn't mean it's some happy pill and you've lost all right to have a bad day. Mind you; it could be much worse. Today was just hard. Um, homesick? No, not really. I mean, I miss my family but the city in and of itself is not something I miss. I'm just tired of everything being so dang difficult. Everything takes for freaking ever. Whether that be running to the store, finding a place to park, getting food. It's literally all much more complicated. Because I now live in a big city so nothing is even kind of normal. I dread the weekends. I tend to have the most issues on the weekends. Anyway today has just been one of those days when every human walking around and breathing makes me livid with their stupidity. I won't get into it, just take my word for it. There are a lot of moronic people in this freaking place and I swear they were all out to make me downright furious today. Mindless morons. ANYWAY... finally get home and want nothing more than to drink and fall asleep and get this day done with, Danny runs down the street to pick up some food and some idiotic whore literally hits on him. Oh, jealously you say? No, this is way beyond that. I'm typically flattered when woman hit on my husband, he's handsome and pretty and utterly inhumanly gentlemanly. Honestly, it's a honor. But when they ask him if he sleeps around and then proceed to tell him he should I just go into flat out kill mode. It's about the human being that would stoop so low and be such a downright freaking whore to even suggest to a married man that he do such a thing is just so disgusting to me I want nothing more than to flog the life right out of her. THEN her slut bag friend apologizes to him on the other skanks behalf and proceeds to do the exact same thing. Like we're talking she is practically begging him to come to some stupid party, he says no and she's taken aback by the fact he doesn't really do the party scene, um no, skank, some people are actually respectable and responsible. You want to make something of yourself? Don't spend every free second of your time getting plastered and begging men to sleep with you. She then proceeds to ask where he lives, he says "around" and she picks up on the fact we live like walking distance from this place and instantly believes he makes lots of money. So she comments on that. THEN (of course because typical materialistic girls here) asks what kind of car he drives. By the way, he's standing around waiting for our order to be ready to pick up, so he has no escape from the hussy. So he says he has a jeep. She asks if its a crappy old one or a new one. She wants a ride sometime. {Insert suggestive flirtation} If I had a gun...........
Happy effing Sunday. I'm going to go kill me a ho. ;)
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