Monday, April 15, 2013


Well, I won't be able to post pictures today. My computer refuses to connect to the Internet and my iPad won't let me upload pictures from it. Technology, why?! Frustrating. Anyway, my Monday is off to a nice start. My husband got me a double shot of espresso, lovely morning surprise. My agenda today is laundry, working on beads and painting a basket. Other stuff, too, which isn't fun. I'm also browsing the web for apartments.

So the weekend, though gloomy, was great! We didn't really go exploring. We ended up at the Free People store where I purchased a lovely dress in pale purple which is gorgeous on and I love it! I've been getting bored with everything being sleeveless so I was on a mission to find some summer goods with sleeves. This dress is perfectly bohemian. I noticed lots of girls looking at it, nice and feminine. I generally don't wear pastels because I'm a brunette and jewel tones are generally more to my liking and are more complimentary but the pale purple looks awesome! I kind of want it in black, too.

I discovered yesterday, while at Home Depot that I can get sample sizes of paint for very cheap! Why did I never think of this?! I usually get the Folk Art acrylics and usually they take a lot of coats to get the look/consistency I want but I picked up a little container of a cabbage green that I'm going to paint my basket, and I have some other baskets that I wanted to paint, and there was a premixed one someone bailed on that was the most perfect shade of like dusty lavendar/pink and it was 50cents... Yes of course I bought it. It's a very common color for me. I love it. I have a few other shades that I'm going to have mixed up for projects. I need some color in my apartment. Everything is grey, wood, white and black. Color is a must.

So I have a nice huge blister on my thumb, right by my knuckle, because I spent a good long time cutting up tissue paper and mylar for confetti for my baby suster's party. So she better love it because I have physical damage because of it. Haha We're going to put it in clear balloons. It will look awesome! I was happy to see I didn't even need to buy tissue paper! I already had a whole bunch in lots of colors and so it's all been upcycled and turned into party pretties. I might have to pick up some more for another idea I had but we'll see. I won't be able to do that until I'm in Michigan so that will be a busy few days because I also have cupcakes to make. Busy, busy! I'm super glad I get to go home for her party, though. I have never missed a family event like that and I didn't want to miss out on being with them. It's weird that my sister is graduating! I'm working on her gift today. No, I'm not making it, shocker, but it's been fun to try to find things that are special. Anyway, I have to get some things done, hope everyone has a nice Monday. Or at least try to make the most of it. ;)


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