Friday, May 17, 2013


Cat eye makeup.
I tried this and I likes it. It takes a couple tries to really start getting 'good' at it. The red lips are a little on the bold side for me. I don't really like bold makeup. I like things a little more on the natural side but once in a while it's fun to experiment. I have yet to actually leave my house with sultry red lips, though. I feel like it draws a lot of attention and I can't say I'm the kind of person who wants to stand out too much. ;) I have worn pretty, bright pink lipstick out, though. One of these days I'll actually wear the red. haha

Moving on: It's FRIDAY! Again.... already! Yikes! Is it just me or days flying by a little freaky?? I'm 26! I mean, it happened so fast and I'm quickly approaching 30, and I'm a woman, that is scary and I can't even tell you why! 30 isn't old! It's just not the 20's. haha I think that's the scary part. 30 means you are truly an adult. Then I start thinking of how I had planned on getting on board the baby train by the time I was 25... 25 rolled around and I was like, "No way, I am not ready for that..." and still to this day I still am not ready. Eeep! Oh well. It'll happen when it happens. I really and honestly need to be more financially secure. I live in a huge city and I already live tight thanks to high rent and our student loans. We literally can't afford a baby. haha I can't even afford a dog.
Speaking of which, we have been starting to think about buying a house. SCARY! I have a very odd commitment issue. Surprisingly enough it's not about relationships, it's about big purchases or other extremely life changing events.We've decided that we would be willing to own a house in Santa Monica. I'm trying to educate myself on buying. It seems difficult, but we'll figure it out. We have realistic aspirations. We want a small house 2-3 bedrooms, garage... haha Small yard. That sort of thing. Once I start thinking of property tax I clam up and want to go hide. I have a feeling it's INSANE. Yup, it's stressing me out just thinking about it, so on to a new subject!

I got excited for a split second the other night. I thought I saw Robert Downey Jr. but it wasn't him. I stopped and realized how many celebrities I have seen since living here for one year...

Johnny Knoxville, Mila Kunis, Mario Lopez, Jane Lynch, Conan O'brien, Kaley Cuoco, Mark Wahlberg, Rachel Zoe, Ashley Olsen, Max Greenfield, Steven McQueen (Jeremy Gilbert, Vampire Diaries) Clint Eastwood, Gordon Ramsay, Anthony Macke, Chris Brown, Joe Jonas....

I'm pretty sure there have been a few more, but I can't think of them.
Kinda crazy, right? I forget I share a city with them until I see someone famous. It's weird.
Well, my friends, I hope you all have a lovely and safe Friday! I'm going to watch Vampire Diaries and work on a necklace. 


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