Happy Wednesday, my friends.
I hope you are all doing well. Life here has been kind of insanely busy so I apologize for my lack of blog posts. Hubs and I have been trying to figure out our trip home to Michigan for Christmas which has been an emotional roller coaster, one minute things are going great, and then next we think we won't be able to go, and then we brainstorm and figure out a way and then we think we can't go. OMG it's been nuts, I'm bummed that due to people kind of slacking on this whole plan our plane tickets went up 400.00. Yeah, ouch. I managed to pull some resources, though, and thank goodness for my 22,000+ air miles we were able to get 200.00 in gift cards to use towards our next flight AND because I am a southwest mastercard holder I have 100.00 off our next flight, I just need to figure out how to cash in on that bonus AND my awesome parents gave me some dough to put toward it as well to ease some of the blow. No one wants to spend 1000.00 to go to Michigan where we know we will most likely be sick with colds from traveling and shoveling snow. *fingers crossed the snow stays away* I hate snow. Even though living in LA I pretty much don't have to deal with it, I still loath it more than anything. And even having to deal with the dreaded white s*&^% for 2 weeks is a nightmare. Yes, I feel that passionately about it, but I won't swear on my blog. So uh, fill in the blanks. ;) There are no other words to describe it.

Anyway, I shared some of my current projects in my last post (I think, I can't remember!) But here are some new pictures! I have a little set back because my phone takes terrible pictures and these pieces have neon pink which my phone, being the wonderful product that it is, can't capture. My husband's phone, however, does a much better job but by the time he gets out of work the sun is going down so I have been forced to wait until this weekend to snap some pics of the newest project to put on my etsy site. So far I have 2 completely finished and ready to be loaded online. The theme of this project is called "Welcome to the forest" and consists of little, artsy, embroidered fox faces, finished with vintage inspired, glitsy tinsel and mounted to a wooden plaque which has been hand painted by me and gives a completely unique take on faux taxidermy. I'm pretty darn proud of this accomplishment and have been having a total blast creating this little whimsy creatures. Prices on these guys will range from 65.00 for the smaller ones (they are approx 7 inches tall) and they will go up to about 120.00 for the largest ones. I apologize for steeper prices but you have no idea the level of work that has gone into these and they're pretty challenging! They are completely finished and ready to hang so the only work needed on the buyers end is to nail a nail in the wall and put the little guys up! I have no idea why it took me so long to create children's and baby room decor. These guys are not meant as toys (there really isn't even a way to play with them) they're for decorative purposes only. I use a mixture of embroidery floss and french tapestry wool and I mixed some muted tones with some bright and cheery tones.