Thursday, October 17, 2013

Day in the life.

Hello, friends.
 Hope all is well. It's Thursday, woohoo! Almost Friday! Hubs and I have a coffee date tonight in Santa Monica. We've been enjoying our weekly evening escapes over there. We've been apartment hunting in that area. We want a dog. Which I know I've talked about multiple times. Our original plan was a Frenchie but the prices of them seem nuts, so we're going to opt out for an Imperial Shih Tzu. We've got her name picked out and everything! It's not too different from our original plan we've decided on Juniper Fyfe. :) I have never had my own dog so it's kind of intimidating! I've never had anything depend on me. The fear of that is kind of why we haven't had kids, too. haha I have some commitment issues when it comes to that. Weirdly enough I have zero commitment issue with marriage. Weird. Don't worry, slowly but surely I'm coming around to the children idea. Not ready yet, but I do feel I'm totally ready for a puppy. I've always had pets growing up but I have never been the one who has potty trained them, or anything like that, so there is some intimidation that has taken me a while to get over, but I have gotten over it and I am just all about getting our own little puppy. My husband wants a dog, too. Our apartment is a firm pet free zone (douche bag landlord is a pansy and prefers cats) They will be losing tenants who always pay on time, never cause issues all because they won't let me get a 9 lb dog. Their loss. I'm okay with the move. Lack of parking is getting ridiculous and I'm very over it. Our rent went up. My neighbors smoke on all sides of my building so my house wreaks of cheap cigarettes. You know you're around too much second hand smoke when marlboro cigarettes actually smell better than the cheap swill your neighbors inhale into their bodies. tsk I'm a little bitter about this. Every single week after searching for a parking spot for a 1/2 hour or more Danny and I get more and more determined that it's time to move. We thought we found a place a few weeks ago but there was an income requirement and we actually made 'too much' money. HA On one hand that made us feel good and on the other hand it ticked me off. haha But it wasn't in a very nice area... So *phew* dodged a bullet. We have a couple new options to look into, so we'll see. I have a feeling we'll be bossed on this, too.

Anyway, happy Thursday, friends.


Colors of fall in my neighborhood. Pretty! I have to say, I am so thankful for the incredible weather in Southern California. I don't miss fall back in the midwest or the east coast. Cold, gloomy, depressing... Actually don't really appreciate it at all anymore. In LA our leaves still change and winter is actually just like a Michigan autumn. So um, that is perfection. I have learned that I love sunshine even though my eyeballs get tired from it and it will cause me squint lines earlier than I'd like. I can't imagine living anywhere else. California has ruined me for other states. They certainly take advantage of people here, though. It's very expensive. Like, stupid expensive, but because of the dang weather I still don't want to leave.

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