Friday, November 30, 2012

So lovely

Gorgeous. I really wish I knew where these were from. Every link I click takes me to Tumblr or We Heart It. Tsk. It has a watermark but I can't read it.

My lovely, new shoes!

These Anthropologie lovelies are an ebay find. I wanted them when they first showed up on Anthropologie's website but didn't feel like spending the almost $200.00! So a week ago I was browsing ebay, looking for some fun new treasure and these little lovelies popped up, just my size and over $100.00 less than the original price! I have been a huge fan of Anthropologie shoes for years. I have a few pair and they're timeless and unique; something I always gravitate to when shopping for new shoes.

Just thought I'd share.
Ebay is worth the gander now and again. 

Happy Friday

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Found this photo on pinterest and I have gotten an odd amount of inspiration! Colors and then the random texture of the clutch. Love.
Found this by googling "Christmas window displays", and I believe it was an Anthropologie window display. This makes me happy and I'd like to incorporate this idea into my home. Whether its for the holidays or..... something else. Not sure, but I LOVE it.

These pictures have been on my computer in my inspiration folder for months. I can't remember where they came from, but the bits of neon are awesome.

These makes me happy...