Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Welcome to my closet!

Hello new Miss Albright shoes! I have loved these since I saw them show up on the shelf in our Anthropologie. I didn't want to spend full price on them and one day I went in and they were on sale! Unfortunately they had sold out of my size. The husband and I took a random drive to Santa Monica and I can't seem to pass up going to their Anthropologie and there, sitting on the shelf all by their lonesome e were these shoes in my size! I bought them. 
I have a black mod dress from Madewell that they look absolutely adorable with and they make my legs looks awesome and most importantly, long! I'm a short girl, so boosting my 5'4" frame a good 6 inches is always a nice bonus.
Anyway, it's insane that it's already Wednesday. The weeks seem to go by way too quickly. I'm always excited for the weekend but my life flying by is disconcerting. ;) I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday. 



Coming soon to my etsy.
I love quotes. So I decided it was time to put them on my walls using my own fonts.
I'm doing some test prints and ordering shipping and packaging supplies for them then they'll be available on my etsy.

Happy Tuesday! I'll blog more in a bit. 


Sunday, April 28, 2013


I actually created this little piece. 
Once I figure out printing I'll make it available for sale on my etsy.

Happy Sunday.


Thursday, April 25, 2013

Oh hey.

This is becoming my daily mantra. *deer in headlights expression*
How can I put this.... I am not a people person. I can tolerate anyone, but that's about it and I have a snapping point. Said 'point' rears its little head more frequently in this really rather stupid city. Their ignorance, attitudes, disgusting and pathetic materialism and all around selfishness astound me. 

As you can see, it's been 'a day'. 
I thought this quote was rather good and I'll be running it on a loop through my mind until this feeling abates. Sometimes I wonder why God felt the need to populate the earth. Human beings can certainly make it miserable.

Anti-social rant is now complete. 
On to Friday (something good!) 




I got a bit creative thennnnnn this morning woke up to one very smudged. Fail. Haha


"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better."
-Maya Angelou

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Since our Jeep is getting fixed we had to rent a car for the day. We ended up with this little red Fiat 500, and I must say, I love this little car! Driving our jeep in the city isn't my favorite thing. It's so big it's intimidating with the traffic and chaos of Los Angeles. So this little Fiat has been awesome! I actually went out and explored a bit on my own, which I have never felt comfortable doing in the Jeep. I would love to own a Fiat! So maybe in the near future we can look into that.


Monday, April 22, 2013


Sweet potatoes.
I have now tried them again as an adult and the results are the same: I highly dislike them. 
It may be weird but I don't like the sweetness. I don't eat potatoes in general accept on certain occasions. So there, I tried them. I tried sweet potato fries, that's a 'no' too. They're up there with butternut squash *gag*. Anyway, that's all. Time for sleep. Busy day tomorrow.


Yes, please...

Will someone please give me this? It's completely adorable! I love it! Haha I honestly have no idea what it is. 

Anyway, happy Monday, friends. Today isn't exactly off to a bad start, since I've expected this. The jeep started making a lovely grinding sound yesterday. We think it's the brakes or something because it's coming from the tires I'm just not sure which one. So bright and early tomorrow morning we're running to enterprise to rent a car for the day then taking the jeep to a repair shop. I can't say I live that I have to rent a car. I used to just borrow one of my parents cars in this sort of situation. So being completely on our own kind of sucks a bit. Also my dad and uncle used to fix my brakes so it never cost me 300.00 before. Dislike. Haha Anyway I admit it will be nice to have a small car for a  day. So that's me looking on the bright side.

I've decided to do interval training. I'm new to cardio so I'm starting small. Hopefully my ankle holds up this time. I hurt it in January and despite going easy on the stupid thing it didn't heal for a while. It hasn't been hurting for a couple weeks so I figure I'd try cardio again. If it acts up  I guess I'll have to get creative. Blah. *fingers* crossed. I'm doing that work out in the evening because my husband is helping me with that. So my daily stuff is the Pilates/yoga. (I tend to do both but mix them up) 

Well, I can't think of anything else going on. Again, I hope you all have a nice day!


Friday, April 19, 2013


My love of Friday continues, today being extra special because my husband took the day off! We've already been to The Grove for coffee and a muffin and are home fixing a shipping issue he had with someone. His item got messed up and instead of being shipped to our California address, it's being shipped to my parents in Michigan but was for some reason delivered to someone in Iowa, then picked up again from there and is supposedly going to Michigan. FAIL. haha So I'll be contacting my parents letting them know of our little mishap. ;)

Anyway, we are on the hunt for a possible apartment in the Santa Monica/Venice Beach area. Preferably Santa Monica, Venice scares me. haha ;) Hope everyone has a lovely day.


Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Awakening

"Hoax exposer, Florence Cathcart (Rebecca Hall), discovers a terrifying truth at a boarding school and soon the ghost hunter becomes the hunted in this shocking mystery."

I'm not generally a person who likes horror movies. At all. No way. But this one doesn't really fall under 'horror' even though that is the genre it's listed under. I would call it a thriller at best. I enjoyed it, though! It was slightly creepy, I loved that the era wasn't modern day and I liked that I didn't go to bed frightened. I thought it was a great movie, one that I may watch again when the mood strikes. I even liked the ending, so that alone (in my opinion) removes it from the horror genre. ;)
If you're in the mood for a thrilling mystery but not in the mood to pick up a big 'ol book; watch it.


P.S. For those of you with Netflix, it's now on 'watch now'.

au revoir.

My confetti

Made by yours truly. 

Maxi love.

{free people}


{free people}




I'm in love with this color. 

I'm thinking I might have to pick up some random shades of tulle and figure out some way to incorporate it into either my sisters party or something else....

I love the polka dots. I'm thinking of doing this on the table clothes at the sisters party. The majority of the decorations will be around the cupcake tower and food. That way it doesn't look like decorations threw up on the party in an unorganized way. They'll be centralized. :) 


Daniel Clay.

My husband surprised me last night with news that he took Friday off! Yay for 3 day weekends, right?! I feel that we're not the average couple. Haha We've been together for 8 years (crazy) and we still prefer the company of each other than others and would rather spend the weekends just the two of us. Our lives are very much connected. I've had people look at me and ask if we ever get sick of each other and honest to God my answer is "no". We really don't. When I say my husband is my best friend, it's not a cliche, it's the real deal. He's the one I feel the most comfortable with, we enjoy our time together. I am a pretty closed-up person, I don't like to express emotion publicly, I like to disappear in the crowd, I don't like being the center of attention. I have always had a hard time talking about my feelings. I hate confrontation even with my own family. Haha No specific reason, I just don't like to talk about my problems openly. I don't want to burden people with my issues. My husband is the first person I have ever felt that comfort level with. I could tell him anything.
I'm thankful that God blessed me with an amazing man who is beautiful on the inside and out. 

Gushing done. :) I'm doing some stationary graphics, today and writing a bit of my book. Happy Thursday.


Monday, April 15, 2013


Recently added to my shop is a 6 foot sparkly, silver circle garland. 
I'm venturing out in some new areas. I love making garland, this is one of my favorites. It works perfect for just about any occasion. I've got one of my own and I have it out all year round.

Find it


I found an app for updating my blog via iPad an app that will allow me to post pictures. So once again my regular computer is getting dissed for my iPad. Anyway I found this image on pinterest and I love the quote.



Maddox and Klaus

I'm currently offering free shipping on orders! 
Just type in coupon code 



Well, I won't be able to post pictures today. My computer refuses to connect to the Internet and my iPad won't let me upload pictures from it. Technology, why?! Frustrating. Anyway, my Monday is off to a nice start. My husband got me a double shot of espresso, lovely morning surprise. My agenda today is laundry, working on beads and painting a basket. Other stuff, too, which isn't fun. I'm also browsing the web for apartments.

So the weekend, though gloomy, was great! We didn't really go exploring. We ended up at the Free People store where I purchased a lovely dress in pale purple which is gorgeous on and I love it! I've been getting bored with everything being sleeveless so I was on a mission to find some summer goods with sleeves. This dress is perfectly bohemian. I noticed lots of girls looking at it, nice and feminine. I generally don't wear pastels because I'm a brunette and jewel tones are generally more to my liking and are more complimentary but the pale purple looks awesome! I kind of want it in black, too.

I discovered yesterday, while at Home Depot that I can get sample sizes of paint for very cheap! Why did I never think of this?! I usually get the Folk Art acrylics and usually they take a lot of coats to get the look/consistency I want but I picked up a little container of a cabbage green that I'm going to paint my basket, and I have some other baskets that I wanted to paint, and there was a premixed one someone bailed on that was the most perfect shade of like dusty lavendar/pink and it was 50cents... Yes of course I bought it. It's a very common color for me. I love it. I have a few other shades that I'm going to have mixed up for projects. I need some color in my apartment. Everything is grey, wood, white and black. Color is a must.

So I have a nice huge blister on my thumb, right by my knuckle, because I spent a good long time cutting up tissue paper and mylar for confetti for my baby suster's party. So she better love it because I have physical damage because of it. Haha We're going to put it in clear balloons. It will look awesome! I was happy to see I didn't even need to buy tissue paper! I already had a whole bunch in lots of colors and so it's all been upcycled and turned into party pretties. I might have to pick up some more for another idea I had but we'll see. I won't be able to do that until I'm in Michigan so that will be a busy few days because I also have cupcakes to make. Busy, busy! I'm super glad I get to go home for her party, though. I have never missed a family event like that and I didn't want to miss out on being with them. It's weird that my sister is graduating! I'm working on her gift today. No, I'm not making it, shocker, but it's been fun to try to find things that are special. Anyway, I have to get some things done, hope everyone has a nice Monday. Or at least try to make the most of it. ;)


Friday, April 12, 2013

Happy Friday

Taxes done!
 Hopefully next year is better. Although this year wasn't as bad as usual, thank God. Glad that's done! Now I can enjoy my Friday. :) 

 Anyway, normal things: we went to LAX to pick up a friend and he had never had In N Out so we stopped on our way back to West Hollywood and I managed to catch a shot of this plane landing right behind us. haha I'm quite impressed with myself.
Anyway, I think Danny and I are going to brave the traffic and go out tonight. We usually stay in the city on Friday nights and leave the exploring for the weekend but we're wanting to escape. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oh, hey Free People.

Give. Me. Them.


Eat your little heart out, this brand is the best.


So what are the chances of a $7.00 scale being off? Seriously. haha The thing depresses me and my diet hasn't changed in years so I dislike this new random number it's throwing at me. Also my measurements haven't changed so here's hoping the dumb thing is just the piece of junk I think it is. ;) My clothes aren't tight, my pants still fit... Whatever.

Bright lips. Yay, or Nay?

Color on lips usually isn't something I like. I tend to feel that since my lips are a little on the plump side, "voluptuous" was a word my mom used for them. It does sound better, but anyway, I always feel like bold color is too much. BUT since I've been experimenting I don't think it's so bad. :) I haven't really worn it out in public, but once I get brave maybe I will. Below is the electric pink... well, actually I believe the color was called something like Pink Vinyl. Yeah. Works kind of nice since I've been doing my eye makeup pretty simple.


Happy Thursday, friends!
 The weather here in LA is beautiful. It was 80 degrees yesterday and of course, sunny... it's ALWAYS sunny. I don't understand how we didn't get that slogan. Nope, "California, the golden state", yeah, okay, but it's sunny here probably 300 days a year and we didn't get the "Sunshine state"? The only logical explaination is when Florida decided it was always sunny there they hadn't experienced southern California... ah... I just answered my own question. I'm referring to Southern Cali, maybe northern isn't as promising. OKAY, MOVING ON! :)

 So I honestly don't know if I had the flu or food poisoning or some weird allergic reaction but I spent Tuesday night hurling. Yeah, what fun. I better have lost some weight. My stomach looks a little more concave than it did Monday. ;) Anyway, so I finally fell asleep and then spent the remainder of yesterday sleeping on the couch listening/watching Hart of Dixie and Mary Poppins. There is something about Disney movies when you're sick.... I just don't understand but they're always my go-to sick on the couch choice. That or Pride & Prejudice... Anyway, I managed to drag myself out last night which took way more energy than it should've but the thought of it being gorgeous outside I couldn't pass up! It was our first hot day in a while and I felt I had to experience the end of it. It was lovely. I'm all better this morning. Just experiencing that weird recovery feeling, like my stomach feels... hollow? I don't know how to describe it but it's annoying.

Onto another topic, sickness is boring. And probably TMI. Sorry. I try to keep it lady like but I'm sure only my girl friends are reading this anyway and sickness happens! Anyway, I found out, and I'm probably really behind o
n this, but they're making another Finding Nemo movie! Which is my favorite Pixar movie so I'm thrilled about that! It's called Finding Dory. YES. I'm watching Ellen clips so that's how I found out. Happiness.

So come see me. Ashlind and I are planning a fun little graduation party for her. Festive and fun! I'm excited. Actually I'm going to post some of our inspiration pictures for you all to see once I finish talking. Oh and yes, going home in June probably means going home in August is off. June was more convenient because my family wanted to come out here in August or something so that makes things easier.
This is my baby sister, Ashlind, who is graduating! Crazy. Makes me feel old... we're 9 years apart so yeah, it makes me feel old. haha I love her pretty face to pieces, though, and I'm glad I get to go home for her party. And decorate it. She and I have pretty much exactly the same taste! Win. Makes party planning easy because she liked and okayed all my ideas. Woohoo.

First things first, the invitation. Now I don't believe everyone is getting one because I couldn't even begin to tell you who is coming, but close family and friends will be getting one. The rest I believe will be put in an event on Facebook. :) Invitation was designed by yours truly. Put my meager graphic design skills to work.

 I probably won't be able to pull together this garland because I wouldn't know where to get the metallic stuff... but the colors are what we like. Maybe I could find balloons in these colors... hmmmm...
 Because store bought confetti isn't good enough... I'm making my own. Tissue paper for the win. I think this confetti is beautiful and we are planning on getting clear balloons to put it in. 

 This garland is awesome and the how-to made it seem pretty easy, so I think I'll try to do some.

This is probably my favorite idea. I'm thinking about making balloon garland, though, we'll see if we want them on the wall but the plan is to do a lot of garland. 
We're doing cupcakes, vanilla but the cake will be dyed hot pink, then with the minty color buttercream and little edible gold star glitter. We've all been homeschooled so when it comes to our grad parties we never stick with the traditional school colors. WHO CARES. haha

Alrighty, I'm out. Hope everyone has had a nice week!


Monday, April 8, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

I swear I live for Fridays.

Woohoo for Friday, right?! This day for some reason might as well be Saturday.... almost.... I get equally excited about Friday as I do Saturday; Sunday is depressing because it's the day before you go back to work... Just the way it is. I however get sad because it's the day before the husband goes to work and it's the day that reminds me that I'll be spending the majority of the day alone. tsk. The downside and upside to being self employed. I'm a lone. I want to be alone, but some days I don't. I'm fickle and apparently impossible to please. ;)

I was pleasantly surprised to turn on my Hulu Plus and see there is a new episode of New Girl! I'm so happy about this. I love that show.... almost more than Vampire Diaries... GASP. I said it. Unfortunately I get more excited for New Girl and Game of Thrones than I do Vampire Diaries. Just the way things are, now. Vampire Diaries is kind of getting old because it's one new problem after the next yet they never really solve any of the old ones.... I don't know. I still watch it; I just don't get as super excited. 

Anyway, I originally had lots to talk about because things would happen through out the week and I was like, "Oh, I'll throw it on my blog!" buuuuuuuut then I forget what it was that happened. So I guess that would be a point in Facebook's favor. I had shut my facebook down but then felt very disconnected from the goings on in my family and I noticed because of the absence of the Facebook news feed I was reading the actual news and livid way too many times a day. So I've decided I'd rather read my friends updates than the newest threats from North Korea... I think it's just the smarter option. I'm not livid in my  ignorance... Happiness trumps misery. News makes me miserable and crabby... so I'll happily read about my friends and look at their baby pictures. It's the smarter choice. I am just not really updating. I kind of am not in the mood to be addicted to that and I don't think people need to know my business... and I was getting tired of being hounded about pregnancy. Sorry, friends, haha, I don't get mad but the constant jokes no. When I decide to reproduce I will let you know, but at this time the husband and I have decided we love our quiet time and exploring our new home JUST THE TWO OF US. We are considering getting a dog. I think I should start small since my commitment issues rear their heads when I think of having a baby. I like the quiet... I really do. I have decided to not let the pressure from other interfere with that decision. Because it's a really big one and I don't want to do it until I'm sure. :) Yes, I know my husband and I will have a beautiful little baby. I mean, come on, you've seen my husband.... his baby pictures are beautiful, too. tsk. haha But for now, we're content. :)

WORK NEWS. I am still waiting for my beads to dry! I know, right?! Ridiculous. tsk. Annoying, but they're almost done. I feel like I have done nothing this week because I've been stuck in 'wait-mode' waiting on this paper clay to dry. Next step- sanding. Blah. The fun part won't happen for a little while, but when they're painted I'll throw up some photos! I've got lots of ideas using some of the color schemes from pictures in one of my previous posts! I'm excited! I might work on making some into drop earrings, as well. We'll see. I love making beads. It's almost more fun than putting necklaces together! I may even sell them as supplies. Might be fun, right? I think so. It would be fun to see what other people make out of my creative supplies. So that might just be another project. 

Alright, ending this post with one of my favorite little quotes. Happy weekend, friends.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Taxes, Starbucks and Permit parking...

Ah, how I long for the days of my youth where I had nothing to worry about but which Barbie to play with and whether or not to play inside or outside... Nope, these days my life is hectic and my worries are taxes, caffeine fixes and whether or not someone will do something about the horrible parking situations in our busy Los Angeles neighborhood.
Taxes: We were lucky enough to be able to keep our Michigan tax person! We really like him and we were really happy to learn that he can do our California taxes, too, so now I'm hoping (since we haven't heard whether things are good or bad haha) I'm hoping it means everything went smoothly. I know he has them done so I'm just waiting to get my paperwork; fingers crossed! I hate freelance stuff and dealing with a bazillion write offs and all that. I'm just hoping this  year we managed okay! :)
I'm about to run down to Starbucks, well' 'walk' there. I admit that is a lovely perk to living in a large city... I have the option of walking to not one but 2 Starbucks and if I wanted to experiment with new coffee there is a place one street over... But I'm a loyal Starbucks lover. I know they'll do a good job. 

One more thing! Our neighborhood is working on making our streets permit parking only! Eeeep!!! This is good! It takes forever to find a parking space and people will park on our street for the shopping on Melrose and the restaurants on Beverly so it's sooooo terrible. Permit parking would seriously ease the burden! Here's hoping!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Happy April 1st!

April already? Freakin nuts. I'm going to be an old lady in no time at this rate. Not cool, no sir. Anyway, we've been dealing with our third-ish bout of credit card fraud (gas station) Good times. Got the most messed up runaround from the police department I literally gave up. Useless rats. They literally wanted me to come in to file a report.... Uh, no.... I don't even live in the same fricken city you lazy morons. Anyway that problem is almost solved; then Danny left his new credit card at the UPS store, haha. It's been 'a day'.

  I've been dealing with my typical meltdowns over my fail of a job. Haha I laugh now but I've cried about it quite a bit. More than I should. Being self employed is really hard especially when there is no one to help. I feel overwhelmed and lost... Pretty defeated but I can push it to the back of my mind. I'm getting somewhat good at ignoring my issues. ;)

  Alright well, I am spending the evening hanging out with my husband, so hope everyone has had a good Monday. 
