Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hello, hello, hello...

So a couple things have happened.
I called the police because I thought my neighbor was getting the crap beat out of him. Ha. Seriously, there was yelling, cussing, thumps definitely loud enough to be a body landing on the floor. Fist contact, that sort of thing. Easily something that would encourage a police phone call. Um, so the police came, knocked on his door... Acting rehearsal. Shoot me. I felt kind of embarrassed but frankly if you're going to be acting out a mob scene please let your new neighbor who lives directly below you know. Needless to say, everything is fine and I met my neighbor, too. He's nice, Spanish gentleman. So it's cool. I told him its cool if they still do it now that I know he's not being killed. ;)

We got our couch yesterday! It looks great. Just trying to arrange our little house. I have nowhere to put anything. So this is interesting. Slowly but surely things are coming together I'm trying to be patient. My parents and little sister are coming to LA on Friday! Super excited. I haven't seen them in 2 months! Crazy how fast time flies. I'm surprised I'm handling it so well. I'm the kind of person who had never spent more than 2 weeks without seeing my fam. Now I'm too preoccupied to get upset over it. I think it helps that I like where we live.

Happy Wednesday, friends. That's it for now. I'm off to Mackevision for the rest of the work day.


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