Monday, May 21, 2012

The Scoop

California is crazy. haha In a good way. I have my moments of getting very overwhelmed and shedding a couple tears. It's not that I dislike it here, I just want somewhere I can go to escape the busy-ness of everyday life here and not knowing what is going on! You know how you usually need a vacation from your vacation? That's how I feel. haha I'm not going away from this, so I have to find a comfortable place in my life to put it all so I can just go with the flow. It's a lot to take in. Today we'll start apartment hunting. We've already been writing down addresses and phone numbers of places in the surrounding area. We've decided that we'll look in LA because it's so close to Danny's work, the prices are still the same as other places and there are quiet neighborhoods right off Wilshire. Always good. I'll keep you posted on that and I'll post pictures when we find a place to land.

I don't have too much more to talk about. I've been keeping everyone pretty up-to-date on Facebook. I do have one thing to say, though. If you're coming to California driving really is an amazing experience. Unless you've seen that part of the country before from the ground and not from a plane. ;) It was beautiful. 
My opinion of states we drove through:
Michigan- Obviously you know I'm not a huge fan of the home state. ;)

Illinois: Pretty. Somehow, though similar to Ohio, it looks different. However 9 hours of ANY state will make you want to scream and demand at least some new scenery.

Missouri: I have nothing good to say about this place but it looks amazing in my rear view mirror. I have never seen so many adult superstores in my life. I mean, the south has many, but it seems Missouri has some sex issues. There was an arcade advertised for one. How nice. tsk. OH don't forget the 'Men's Gym and Spa" located in a very questionable dilapidated building next to the adult superstore. (this is part of that whole mess) One billboard straight up said something about pornography. Lovely.

Oklahoma: As soon as we crossed into this state I didn't see anymore superstores. ;) Also the landscape was changing and everything started to get interesting. I did end up with the "Oklahoma" song stuck in my head for like 4 hours.

TEXAS: Ooooooh how I loved Texas! Seriously I plan on visiting there again in the future. So to my Texas friendlies, I'll be paying you a visit whether you want to see me or not. Some places instantly make you feel like you're home and I found that in Texas. The people were so nice and even though Amarillo wreaked of cow crap, haha it was nice. I admit that by the time we were about to hit New Mexico the cow fields got kind of old. ;) But Texas is a beautiful place and they're so proud of it. I have always wanted to live in a state that the people who lived there were busting with pride in their state. Texans are just awesome. I'll be back. 

On to the next state...

New Mexico: My husband's home state. Um. No. I didn't like it. haha No offense, but it just wasn't for me. :) 

Arizona: LOVE. Talk about scenery, those people win! Even though that gets tiring when you've been driving for 3 days, it was an experience that was very much enjoyed. We saw the Grand Canyon and had a great time! The Grand Canyon is nothing short of breathtaking and something everyone should see once. It blows your mind and it's just baffling. I don't believe in evolution so the "billions of years" garbage was just annoying. No. I can't explain why it's there, but it's epic and a must see.

Last but not least: CALIFORNIA. Very beautiful. If you get bored here you must just be the most boring person ever. Whether you want to walk or drive there is always something to see/do. We've spent most of our time driving just to see everything! We went to Burbank last night, which was nice. Also went to Hollywood; not a nice place! Wow. Not nice at all. Finally did manage to find the Hollywood sign, but because of the buildings I couldn't get a good picture. That will come later.

SO. I don't think I left anything out.

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