Monday, March 24, 2014

Gloomy Monday

Something pretty. Anthropologie seems to provide endless 'pretty' love.

So it's been BUSY in my neck of the woods! Yet now that I've finally sat my butt down to jot it out and ramble a little everything seems to have completely slipped my mind! I blame getting old. OH speaking of that... I went and had my yearly doctor blah and she used the phrase: "As we get older..." yup. Just about died. haha Useless information I just figured I'd hurl out into the vast world of the internet. I turned 27 in January so I was already feeling a little cruddy about my age and the terrifying year "30" that I am approaching way too quickly, guys. Years fly by and it freaks me the heck out! Anyway, I digress.... off that topic.
I'll start with some basics.
My sister Ariel is moving to California! This makes me happy. She'll be crashing with my husband and I and depending on where the future takes us we may get an apartment together. Yes, to some this may seem like a mini nightmare, but my sister and I are close and I know we'll probably tear eachothers heads off on occasion, we have lived together longer than we've lived apart so we're already pretty darn accustomed to eachothers company! Then hopefully at the end of this year and my brother and his girlfriend will be heading this way, too! They would be getting an apartment. ;)

Hmmmm.... what else..... I have been working quite diligently on creating my little whimsical creatures line. My goal has been to build up as large a stock pile as possible. I would like to be able to do some art shows in the near future but you have to have stock in order to that! I had my fingers crossed to be part of renegade this year but the stock is proving to be a bit of a setback but it's okay! I will prevail and eventually have enough items to fill a small-ish booth. In the meantime you can find my currently finished creatures at: MADDOX AND KLAUS

Okay, and I know this falls under the insanely typical, but I am the proud owner of Frozen. My only dislike is it's very very Broadway-ish. I know that's probably one of the main reasons people heart it, but honestly I'm in it mainly for the awesome color theory! I adore the character designs and color schemes. It's pure happiness.

Alright, that's about enough rambling. Bless your heart if you actually read all of this. haha 


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